
Local News in Brief : Centers Accept Yule Trees on Saturday

Saturday will be the first of two days on which Los Angeles and Santa Monica city officials will offer free seedlings to people who take their Christmas trees (with decorations removed) to any of seven recycling centers. The centers will also be open Jan. 7.

The first 10,000 Los Angeles recyclers will receive 6-inch tree seedlings--not Christmas trees, but varieties such as jacaranda, Chinese fig or Mondell pine.

The Los Angeles cites are Sun Valley, 9701 San Fernando Road; Lake View Terrace, 11950 Lopez Canyon Road; Northridge, 8840 Vanalden Ave.; Venice, 3233 Thatcher Ave.; Lincoln Heights, 452 N. San Fernando Road; San Pedro, 1400 N. Gaffey St., and Hyde Park, 2002 W. Slauson Ave.


The Santa Monica sites are Clover Park at Ocean Park Boulevard and 25th Street; Douglas Park at Wilshire Boulevard and 25th Street; Lincoln Park at Lincoln and Wilshire boulevards, and Los Amigos Park at 5th Street and Hollister Avenue.
