
Opinions on Opinion Poll

As the founding member of the Burbank Flatlanders Home Protection League, I am writing to complain that you published such a sleazy article on the “poll” taken regarding public approval of the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport, written bW. McGarry (May 28).

To the best of my knowledge, not one of us homeowners living directly under the departure flight path of the airport was interviewed by the pollsters. McGarry’s attempt to denigrate us “anti-noise crusaders,” as he calls us, and our efforts to protect our property and our life styles through the political process, is shameful.

This is a deadly serious business for those of us directly affected by Burbank Airport and the airport authority. We are not just a bunch of whiners and malcontents with far too much political power, as we are painted in the article. We are a group of honest homeowners who are having this airport and its ever-increasing expansion forced down our throats by an unfeeling and relentless airport authority.


It is led by Robert W. Garcin, who is supported by members from Pasadena and Glendale, who control a two-thirds majority voting power over the city of Burbank’s members, in spite of the fact that the airport is located in Burbank and Burbank’s citizens are the most heavily impacted.

Noise is not our only complaint, either. Other issues, such as jet-fuel air pollution in an area already designated as having the highest air pollution in Southern California and our civil rights as homeowners come to bear.

In the opinion of many of us Flatlanders, this poll was untruthful, inaccurate and misleading. Next time your newspaper conducts a poll such as this, make sure that those most affected are consulted as well as those who live in communities miles from the airport.



