
Mayor’s Arrest

The citizens of Fountain Valley should not be represented by an elected official who willfully and knowingly violates the law while holding public office.

The arrest and conviction of Mayor Fred Voss has cast a shadow on the entire community. If we allow this issue to be glossed over, it raises the very serious question of potential problems that may arise in the future. What eventually becomes an acceptable standard of conduct?

In 1969, the Fountain Valley City Council adopted Resolution No. 5081, which reads in part: “Public officials and employees are bound to observe in their official acts the highest standards of morality and to discharge faithfully the duties of their offices regardless of personal consideration, recognizing that the public interests must be their primary concern, that conduct in both their official and private affairs should be above reproach.”


At the present time, we seem to have a “code of silence” prevailing in our City Council chambers rather than an observation or acknowledgement of a code of ethics.

If, in fact, our elected officials have the power to make all of the decisions affecting what does or does not occur or become law in our city, why are they powerless (silent) on this issue?


Fountain Valley
