
Confrontation at Tustin’s Abortion Clinic

It was heartening to be part of the Pro-Choice Majority at the Tustin Clinic on July 8. I was, however, dismayed to read in The Times that “each group declared it was the victor.” The true victors were the patients who successfully obtained the health care they sought, thanks to the support of those of us who don’t believe that religion should dictate our laws.

I was also confused when I read in The Times that the “Tustin demonstration was largely nonviolent.” I was there, and I saw people being pushed and shoved in a very violent manner. I was there and saw one woman jabbed so hard in the stomach that she couldn’t catch her breath--just one of many instances of violence initiated by anti-choice demonstrators.

I commend the Tustin clinic personnel who, despite their busy schedule that day, took those injured people into the clinic and tended them. Please don’t perpetuate the myth that Operation Rescue people are nonviolent. I’ve seen them for the fanatic, violent group they are because I was there.



