
Lyphomed Accepts Buyout Offer: Lyphomed Inc., the...

Lyphomed Accepts Buyout Offer: Lyphomed Inc., the only company in the United States allowed to treat a pneumonia that is the leading cause of death in AIDS patients, said it accepted a sweetened buyout offer from a Japanese company at $31.87 a share. Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. proposed Aug. 21 to buy all the shares of Lyphomed it does not already own at $31 a share. The sweetened proposal values Lyphomed at $956.1 million, up from $930 million previously. Fujisawa already owns 30% of the Melrose, Ill.-based drug company. Earlier this year, the government allowed the company to sell pentamadine in an aerosol can to treat pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.
