
Remembering Rabbi Henri Front

The Times’ editorial tribute to Rabbi Henri E. Front (Aug. 27) would have had to be a great deal longer to enumerate all of his contributions to Orange County.

I met Rabbi Front when we served together on the board of directors of United Way of Orange County. His contributions of ideas and solutions were equaled by his good humor and personal warmth. He and Msgr. John Sammon, bantering and joking, set an example for interreligious harmony and good will that we all could emulate.

I had looked forward to a new relationship with Rabbi Front on the Board of Directors of National Issues Forum of Orange County.


When Rabbi Front learned about our program for involving the public in discussions of public policies, he became an immediate enthusiastic supporter. He planned to hold forums with members of his and other congregations of different denominations.

In Henri Front’s memory we hope to convene interdenominational issue discussions as well as forums in secular settings, and we welcome clergy and laity to join us in that exercise in citizenship.


Chairman of the board of directors

National Issues Forum of Orange County
