
No Welcome Mat

My wife and I read with interest “Welcome to Seattle--Now Go Home.”

Coincidentally, it appeared on the date of the 25th anniversary of our family flight from the cold, cloudy, dank, damp six-month winters of Seattle and Bellevue to the sunshine and warmth of Southern California. We have never looked back.

Has anyone ever thought of asking Seattle Times columnist Emmett Watson just who it is who is selling all of that real estate to incoming Californians? Perish the thought that it might turn out to be Seattleites and Bellevueites engaging in that old American tradition of free market enterprise! Where is their loyalty to the Pacific Northwest?

Oh, by the way, Washington friends of ours send their college-age children to California to take advantage, after the required period of residency, of our unique, (and less expensive than Washington’s) university system. Sounds like tit for tat, huh?

