
You never know where you’re going to...

<i> From staff and wire reports</i>

You never know where you’re going to encounter valet parking in Southern California.

Trashy Lingerie, for instance.

The La Cienega Boulevard emporium of women’s garments began the service six years ago, not solely for blushing male customers who want to make a quick getaway.

“We started it during the construction of the (nearby) Beverly Center because our customers were having trouble finding parking places,” said owner Mitchell Shrier.

The service has been temporarily discontinued. But after a changeover in drivers, it will resume at Trashy next month, Shrier said.


Other purveyors of this haute Hollywood convenience: the Beverly Hills Post Office, Naples Ribs in Long Beach (a barbecue joint yet!) and Q’s Billiard Club in West Los Angeles.

Snooty Q’s, incidentally, is the only local pool hall to have a dress code, a hostess who brushes chalk dust off the tables and smoking and no-smoking sections. Don’t even think of lighting up a cigar in there.

The gathering, set for Sept. 23 at Beverly Hills High, is billed as “The World’s Largest New York City High School Reunion.”


But organizer Louis Zigman says there’ll be little or no L.A. bashing among the 1,500 or so attendees, a not-unheard of activity among local ex-Gothamites.

“This (the reunion) is a remembrance of our roots,” said Zigman. “But we like California.”

Celebrities expected include Jon Voight (Archbishop Stepanic High in Yonkers), Lou Gossett (Lincoln High in Brooklyn), Martin Landau (Madison High in Brooklyn) and Milton Berle (Professional Children’s School in Manhattan).

The reunion will feature several New York touches, including seltzers, egg creams, knishes and street games like stick ball.


And New York behavior?

“We’re pretty laid back,” said Zigman. “Oh, there’ll be a little pushing and shoving.”

An appropriately named Los Angeles city official, in the tradition of Jay Carsman (parking systems coordinator) and Daniel Waters and Norman Powers (officials of the Department of Water and Power), is Recreation and Parks supervisor Michael Park. There’s no Mr. or Ms. Recreation in the department, though.

Well, the Procrastinators of America have designated this as National Be Late for Something Week. Maybe that’s why the Los Angeles City Council members straggled in so late Wednesday that it took 27 minutes to achieve a quorum.

One of “Seventy Answers to Queries (about Los Angeles) Oftenest Put by Prospective Comers,” published by The Times on Jan. 1, 1886:

“For a short time after rain, the streets are muddy. Three days of sunshine makes them all right.”
