
Rep. Rohrabacher’s Stance on U.S. Funds for the Arts

In news coverage of controversial events that create a public outcry, such as abortion protests, gay rights or the controversy over federal funding of the NEA, groups who represent the so-called conservative viewpoint are invariably tagged as “fundamentalist Christians” by your news reporters.

That tag is unfair. In the minds of your readers, it could represent that all protesters who are morally outraged are intolerant, unfair Bible thumpers guided by an almost fanatic belief that they are absolutely right and everyone else is absolutely wrong, according to the teachings of Christianity.

There are great numbers of Americans who hold conservative opinions on moral issues who have nothing to do with fundamentalist Christianity. I am one of them. I am a Christian, yes, but I am not intolerant of other people’s opinions or their rights. Please don’t lump all protesters who hold conservative viewpoints under one general description of “fundamentalist Christians.”



Santa Ana
