
LAX Parking ‘Solution’

I would like to offer a short-term solution to the short-term parking problem that plagues so many of us who must use Los Angeles International Airport on a regular basis.

If you plan to be gone for more than 5 1/2 days, the “airport valet system” operated by the Department of Airports might be both a solution and a bargain.

Here’s how it works: Park in the white loading zone and wait for the police to tow your car. The charge is $54, the same amount charged to park in the short-term buildings, assuming they are open and operating (something that my experience tells me not to count on). Your car will be safely towed, stored in a secure lot adjacent to the airport, and easily accessible upon your return.


I realize that this might be only a short-term solution, but in light of the short-sighted approach to parking management at LAX, it might be the only alternative to busy travelers.

