
Mall Convenience Doesn’t Compare to Outlet Savings

In response to your articles on malls in today’s paper (Times, Dec. 27), I did a little mental arithmetic. Of the $400 or so that I spent on Christmas presents, only $10 went to mall shops. The rest of my Christmas money went to warehouse stores, outlets and a variety of other sources.

Mall stores today offer very poor value compared to other sources of merchandise. I was able to buy comparable merchandise to what I saw at the mall for 30% to 50% less at other sources. True, malls may be a little more convenient, but the dollar cost of that convenience is staggering.

I am not interested in paying premium prices to finance sand castles, indoor landscaping or other amenities. I am more interested in getting quality merchandise at reasonable prices. I’ll start shopping at mall stores again when the value they offer compares favorably to other merchants.


