
Some SWMs Want No Help From Clay

Clay’s “jokes” are nothing more than vicious attacks on subordinated groups that have long struggled for the social status and respect that we “SWMs” have historically possessed.

Epstein’s claims about the historical origins of this country are greatly lacking. There are numerous, complex reasons why the Founding Fathers/early immigrants/SWMs solely held the gifted “creator” role. Many first-arriving SWMs were afforded prominent advantages with the enslavement of minorities and the exclusion and persecution of women who sought to expand their extremely limited roles.

Further, were it not for the compassion of several members of the tragically repaid Native American community toward the early SWMs, the Founding Fathers (who ought to be esteemed for their ideas, not for their SWM status) may never have existed to “create” our country.



Sherman Oaks
