
I AM ELVIS: A Guide to Elvis...

I AM ELVIS: A Guide to Elvis Impersonators by American Graphic Systems, Inc. (Pocket Books: $8.95). While philosophers may forever ponder the question of how many Elvis impersonators can dance on the head of a pin, we now have an answer to the question of how many Elvis impersonators it takes to fill a book. Exactly 64, listed alphabetically from Mike Albert to Jeff Zandberg, with stops along the way for El Vez, the Mexican Elvis (above); Janice K, the Lady Elvis; even the mayor of Jasonville, Ind., who muses, “The constant movement helps keep the fat off.” Perhaps the most rational response to this boggling phenomenon came from the Original Elvis, who, after seeing impersonator Dave Carlson at work in Las Vegas in 1975, commented: “I saw it, but I couldn’t believe it.”
