
Supporters of Children’s Hospital Will Be in Fashion

Fizz and fashion were on the menu at the Center Club on Sunday when Children’s Hospital of Orange County honored supporters of its upcoming Guilds Fashion Show.

Guests such as CHOC board chairman Charles Hester and his wife, Nora, tipped bubbly and gawked at colorful spring wear from Sak’s as they toasted Orange County’s quintessential fashion show. That’s right, the benefit that began as a one-day affair 29 years ago for a few ladies-who-lunch, has turned into a two-day, back-to-back benefit capped with a dinner-dance.

Fashions by Sak’s Fifth Avenue will be on parade at all three events at the Anaheim Marriott on April 4 and 5.


Sunday’s brunch celebrated the Mardi Gras-themed fund-raiser, which annually pours more than $200,000 into CHOC coffers. Proceeds go to the hospital’s outpatient clinic.

Susan Carter is chairwoman of the All Guild Fashion Show, with Andrea Northcote and Wanda Shelton assisting her. Pat Calderone and Liz Clem co-chaired Sunday’s brunch. Lunch tickets can be purchased for $50 each. Dinner-dance tickets are $100 each.

For the birds!: This benefit wasn’t just for the birds--the graceful egrets, the dainty least terns, the energetic waders and shore birds--that flock to the Bolsa Chica wetlands. It was for the folks who use the preserve as a haven.


More than 150 members of Amigos de Bolsa Chica, a support group for the preservation and restoration of the Bolsa Chica wetlands in Huntington Beach, gathered on Saturday night at the city’s civic center to dine on a groaning board of comestibles and hear nightingale Laura Savitz sing standards.

Flint Morrison, whose wife, Adrianne, is executive director of Amigos, said he loves to escape to the wetlands: “It’s so quiet and peaceful there--the perfect place to escape from stress. And the birds are magnificent.”

When the wetlands project is complete, its 1,100 acres will make it the largest restored wetland area west of the Mississippi, Adrianne Morrison said.


Also among guests were Amigos president Terry Dalton, Huntington Beach Mayor Peter Green, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Silva, Margaret Carlberg, Cindy van der Wyk and Ruth Finley.

Tidbits: Peter Ueberroth will be the featured speaker at the fourth annual Founders Brunch staged by Circle 1000, a support group of the Patty and George Hoag Cancer Center, on March 13 at the Four Seasons Hotel. His energetic wife, Ginny--a cancer survivor--is chairing the event. A donation of $100 or more is expected from brunch-goers. This party is always smart and hot . . . . Society pianist Peter Duchin will be featured at the Pacific Symphony Ball, set for April 6 at the Westin South Coast Plaza.

Duchin’s appearance is a pricey (but worth it--he’s tops) undertaking: $15,000 had to be raised for his appearance (John and Donna Crean have picked up the tab). The $4,000 to fly Duchin and his orchestra to Orange County has been provided by American Airlines. And the Westin South Coast Plaza is comping the maestro’s lodging, worth $1,500. . . .

Watch for singer Vikki Carr to schmooze with Pacific Symphony supporters at the Center Club following her two appearances at the Orange County Performing Arts Center the end of this month.
