
LEAPS AND BOUNDS: Orange County is the...

LEAPS AND BOUNDS: Orange County is the only one of the nation’s five biggest counties that got big without having a million-resident city. . . . Cook County has Chicago, Harris County has Houston, and Los Angeles and San Diego have, well, big cities. Ten years ago Orange County ranked sixth: ahead of San Diego, but behind Kings County, New York--known to most people simply as Brooklyn--and Wayne County, Michigan, home to Detroit. Now Brooklyn is sixth and Wayne eighth (A3).

Big Counties

The five most populous counties in the United States

Los Angeles County: 8.8 million

Cook County, Ill.: 5.1 million

Harris County, Tex.: 2.8 million

San Diego County: 2.5 million

Orange County: 2.4 million

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
