
COUNTYWIDE : 48 Reservists From Rescue Unit Return

Forty-eight Navy reservists, members of a helicopter squadron trained to rescue downed pilots, returned from Saudi Arabia early Tuesday to flag-waving families and friends and congratulations from their comrades.

Members of Detachment 1, Helicopter Combat Support Special Squadron 5 (HCS-5) arrived at the Naval Air Station at Point Mugu at 7:40 a.m., about an hour behind schedule. They were greeted by more than 100 family members and friends, some who had camped out for more than two hours.

A roar echoed from the crowd as detachment members stepped off the plane looking tired but relieved to be home.


“I traveled to other countries in the world and when I come back, I always appreciate the United States,” said squadron Cmdr. R. Stewart Fisher of Camarillo.

HCS-5 is one of two Navy reserve squadrons in the country that do combat search and rescue, Petty Officer Joe Parker said. Typically, they fly over enemy lines at night to rescue American pilots who have been shot down or crashed, he said. Parker said the detachment is made up of active duty members and reservists.

The detachment did not conduct any rescue missions in the Mideast, Fisher said, although members flew one mission over the Iraqi border to photograph Iraqi observation posts. The unit was stationed in western Saudi Arabia near the Iraqi border, Fisher said.


Two Seahawk helicopters were sent with the Point Mugu squadron, Lt. Steve Bennet said.

The helicopters are designed for search-and-rescue missions with machine guns mounted on the doors, radar warning receivers and electronic surveillance equipment, he said.
