
Japan Gets Message on Its Kuwait Pledge

The article “Japan Warns Its Firms to Go Easy on Kuwait Bids” (March 4) shows that the Japanese are finally getting the message that they are perceived as woefully derelict in their duty to help resolve the Persian Gulf conflict.

The Japanese have not determined how much of the $11 billion they pledged for the war effort will actually be paid. The liberal Democrats want to attach conditions to release of the money and reduce the amount pledged by up to one-half. This amounts to an act of bad faith on the part of Japan and should be treated as such.

Japan used its constitutional ban on foreign military intervention as an excuse for refusing to supply even medical and transportation personnel. Japan is willing to clean up Kuwait’s streets, rebuild its power plants and supply Japanese-built trucks in pursuit of money, not justice.


I hope your readers consider this the next time they buy a car, stereo, television or cassette player. We should place a tax on all Japanese goods entering this country to make up for any shortfall in Japan’s cash share of the costs for Desert Storm.


Los Angeles
