
‘Bunker Hill Express’ Commuter Service Starts

The “Bunker Hill Express,” a shuttle service between Pasadena and downtown Los Angeles, began operating Monday. Commuters can ride the line for $85 a month, although some workers can qualify for discounts of $15 or more if they work for South Coast Air Quality Management District-regulated employers.

Three pickup locations are in the Pasadena area: First Church of the Nazarene, 3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.; Imperial Savings Building, 2 N. Lake Ave.; and United Methodist Church, 699 Monterey Road in South Pasadena. The buses, which hold 41 passengers and are equipped with reclining seats and AM/FM stereos, make four trips from Pasadena in the mornings and the same number of return trips at the end of the day.

The buses bring passengers to the First Interstate World Center on Hope and New Hope streets, where commuters can pick up DASH or Rapid Transit District buses.
