
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Water-Management Plan Approved

The City Council on Monday night tentatively voted to impose a water-management program throughout the city.

The program will be administered in three phases, according to degree of water shortage. This year, the city faces less than a 10% supply shortage. Therefore, Phase 1--conservation measures excluding mandatory rationing--will apply.

Following phases will impose mandatory controls on irrigation, such as watering lawns, when there is a water-supply shortage greater than 10%. All users will be required to ration water when there is a shortage of 20% or more.


The water-management ordinance is scheduled for second reading and final vote on April 15.

Phase 1 provisions “prohibit the washing of concrete and other hard surfaces, including driveways, walkways and parking areas except as required to maintain health or safety.”

Phase 1 provisions require that only recycled-water be used in decorative fountains, ponds and lakes. It also requires city water users to have “automatic cutoff valves on hoses when washing vehicles or other items outside.”
