
Hollywood : Consolidation Plan OKd

The Community Redevelopment Agency has approved plans to consolidate nine Hollywood Boulevard improvement programs into one “Rapid Action Program,” to streamline the city’s revitalization of the famous thoroughfare.

Councilman Michael Woo, who represents Hollywood, said combining the programs will have an immediate impact on the boulevard and will speed up the improvement effort by at least a year.

The programs focus on street, landscape, building and facade improvements along the Hollywood Boulevard corridor bounded by Yucca Street, Cahuenga Boulevard, Selma Avenue and Sycamore Street, according to CRA officials. The RAP effort is timed to complement major development projects already under way or planned, including the Hollywood Galaxy, the El Capitan/Disney theater rehabilitation and the Hollywood Promenade.


The $175,000 needed for the improvement programs already had been budgeted by the CRA for separate programs. The consolidation effort was approved by the CRA on April 18, and now goes to the City Council for final approval.
