
Public Must React Now on Pipeline

The comments in the May 10 letter from Barbara Fine, vice president of the Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations, regarding the Mobil Oil replacement pipeline are very misleading.

Her implication that public input could make significant difference once the environmental impact report is certified and the project is approved by the lead agency is simply inaccurate and unrealistic.

The time for the impact of public input on the decision makers is before the EIR is certified and the project approved.

The only action left for those who feel the EIR did not address environmental concerns, as required by the California Environmental Quality Act, is through the courts.


While I agree with Barbara that additional mitigation is needed for this project, the city attorney’s office appears to be in the best position to question the real intent behind Mobil’s reason for increasing the carrying capacity of the new line from 63,500 barrels to 95,000 barrels per day.

Our association, along with other groups, has adamantly opposed this project from the outset, contending that, while we can’t argue the fact that Mobil needs to replace or repair aged pipelines within their system, Mobil’s agenda for increasing capacity 50% is simply self-serving.

DON SCHULTZ, Van Nuys. Schultz is president of the Van Nuys Homeowners Assn.
