
RELIGION WATCH : Cardinal Rule

You don’t have to be Catholic to welcome the elevation of Archbishop Roger M. Mahony to cardinal. The decision of Pope John Paul II is also a wonderful compliment to Southern California.

In a church that counts its faithful at about 850 million souls, there are only 141 cardinals--and only 16 in North America. Mahony--San Fernando Valley born-and-bred, a graduate of Queen of Angels Seminary in San Fernando, an accomplished and ambitious cleric and at 55 very young indeed by church standards--is now one of that very select few, and only the third cardinal in L.A. history.

For ecclesiastical purposes the L.A. archdiocese, which Mahony has headed as archbishop since 1985, also blankets Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. In this sprawl live more Catholics than anywhere in the country. Now this world capital has its own prince of the church.


Mahony’s pastoral leadership has been exceptional, if sometimes controversial. His unflinching outspokenness on the abortion issue has won him considerable enmity, but there is no question that his humanitarian defense of illegal immigrants, the homeless and victims of AIDS is particularly appropriate in a region as diverse as this one.

Mahony is a thoughtful and articulate, if not overly independent, cleric who has generally hewed closely to the Vatican line on the moral issues of the church. As the designated spokesman for the American church on foreign-policy issues, he was a relative dove on the Gulf War.

His appointment not only enriches the College of Cardinals but Los Angeles as well.
