
A look inside Hollywood and the movies. : THEY SHOOT, THEY SCORE : Garth, Don’t You Think This Is, Like, a Particularly <i> Excellent </i> Concept?

Those two quintessential metal-heads from “Saturday Night Live,” Wayne and Garth, are headed for the movies.

Sources at Paramount Pictures confirm that the two dudes who appear in “SNL’s” irreverent “Wayne’s World” segment will begin shooting “Wayne’s World,” the movie, in July.

The movie will be based on the occasional skit about a late-night “party-on” cable public access show that originates in the basement of Wayne Campbell’s home in Aurora, Ill.


Wayne (played by Mike Meyers) and his sidekick Garth (played by Dana Carvey--the creator of “SNL’s” well-known Church Lady character) make pronouncements about teen life and often share their fantasies about “excellent babes” from “babe-a-lonia.”

No clues has to who might play female roles in the film. On “SNL,” Candice Bergen has appeared as Wayne’s mom and Madonna recently appeared in one of Wayne’s wilder dreams.

Penelope Spheeris, who has directed everything from punk-rock documentaries to a heavy-metal mud-wrestling TV special, is signed to direct the film. Among her credits are the well-regarded rockumentaries “The Decline of Western Civilization,” Parts 1 and 2.


The Paramount source also says the “Wayne’s World” feature will be written by the same writers of the TV segment--Meyers, Bonnie Turner and Terry Turner. The project will be a Lorne Michaels production, the first in a long-term contract that the “SNL” creator has with Paramount.
