
Make Sure Pets Are Safe Over Fourth

Please, please make sure your pet is secure and comfortable during the terrifying noise and confusion of the Fourth of July.

Even though fireworks are illegal throughout Ventura County, there are those who still insist on setting off firecrackers and other loud and dangerous fireworks. Many pets are so frightened during this time that they bolt through screen doors or plate glass windows, dig under fences and jump over walls.

Humane societies and animal control agencies have their busiest week right after the Fourth. Many pets are not returned to their families because they are not wearing licenses and current identification. These poor disoriented pets spend the rest of their lives in cages just looking and waiting for loved ones.


Your veterinarian may prescribe a tranquilizer if your pet becomes extremely stressed. If you cannot be home, a radio or television left on may provide just enough familiar “noise” to soothe or distract your pet.

JOYCE GEORGE, president, Humane Society of Ventura County
