
Model City Aids Westside

A Request for Proposals (RFP) has been published for a $75,000 grant to develop a model city program to increase affordable rental housing on the Westside.

“This is the (Westside Urban) Forum’s contribution to the combined efforts of concerned citizens in the region to develop real solutions to our very real affordable housing shortage,” said James Watt McCormick, president of the Forum, which published the RFP.

“We are delighted and honored to join with all five cities of the Westside, the regional transportation leadership at LACTC (Los Angeles County Transportation Commission) and our . . . corporate sponsor, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Programs, in funding this . . . work,” he added. Kaiser contributed $30,000 toward the study.


Copies of the RFP may be obtained by sending a $5 check payable to the Westside Urban Forum and a self-addressed, 52-cent stamped envelope to: Affordable Housing RFP, Westside Urban Forum, 2550 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., 90057. More details may be secured from James McCormick at (310) 459-8516.
