
Her Beauty Sleep

Advice for socializing in the sobering ‘90s comes from no less a veteran than Holly Woodlawn, the former Andy Warhol superstar, who now lives quietly in Los Angeles and has taken to moderation.

Woodlawn (nee Harold Ajzenberg), who has just penned her autobiography, “A Low Life in High Heels” (St. Martin’s Press), was out every night in the ‘70s, partying until 5 or 6 a.m. with the celebrity crowd. “I was at Studio 54 opening night and stayed five years,” she quips. But it took a toll. “If you’re out all night you look horrible, you can’t go to work and you become a mess. I drank, took speed, took coke.”

Now, Woodlawn, who has seen so many Warhol cronies drop dead from drugs or other excesses, has a rule: “I’m in bed by 12--at the latest, “ she told Buzz. By day she studies at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, hoping to design a line of party dresses soon.


A Big Star

Overheard at a recent screening of “Star Trek VI,” two men discussing the corpulence of one of the movie’s stars. “He used to be slim,” said one. “Now he is the Enterprise.”


What you need to maneuver the L.A. scene: What is the politically correct Angeleno requesting for Christmas this year? Nothing--nothing for themselves, that is. With kitchens filled with cappuccino and pasta makers, closets crammed with clothes, and offices and cars buzzing with every kind of phone imaginable, people have finally said, “Enough!” and are asking friends and family to make charitable donations. To politically correct charities, of course.
