
Disregard the Obit, Thames TV Is Thriving


The Calendar piece from London concerning Thames Television (“Britain’s Thames Television Faces an Uncertain Future,” Dec. 3) creates several serious misimpressions.

Far from being the “extinct animal” referenced, Thames and Reeves, which is a wholly owned Thames company, enjoy a unique position, a strong present and a limitless future in the increasingly global communications environment.

The article, rather than reflecting Thames’ position in the United Kingdom, is a collection of discordant facts, with the result being an overall story that is as out of tune as it is out of touch.


When Thames’ franchise was not renewed, the company went forward immediately with a business plan that was prepared to deal with that eventuality. The high regard for Thames, and the level of confidence in it by the broadcast and financial communities in the United Kingdom, manifested itself in a prompt rise in the company’s share price, a fact that reporter Jeff Kaye might have considered when he began digging Thames’ grave.

Moreover, the fact that BskyB satellite network, the BBC and indeed ITV are vigorously pursuing series produced by Thames is tantamount to having a No. 1-rated network series, and then in its second year finding yourself with the ability to sell it to the highest bidder.

The notion conveyed in the article, namely that these broadcasters are engaged in bottom-shopping, is erroneous at best, and demonstrative of a lack of insight regarding Thames and the U.K. marketplace at worst.


Thames has been among the largest producers of programming for ITV during the last 25 years. Accordingly, it will not find itself among those who have found the independent producer role traditionally difficult.

Reeves Entertainment is an established American production company, with considerable credibility among the major broadcast networks and cable companies. The combination of Thames and Reeves creates the only major multinational production company involving a significant American production entity.

We have the credibility and the wherewithal to produce high-quality programming directly for the United States, both by Reeves solely, and through co-production with Thames.


Additionally, Thames’ prominence as a member of the European Economic Community (EEC) provides us with a decided advantage in arranging European co-productions. The combined Thames and Reeves libraries form the basis for one of the largest independent distribution companies in the world.

That Thames is changing and evolving is not the issue. The issue is the creation of an inaccurate perception that Thames’ status is somehow diminished, when in reality all facts point to the opposite.

The simple fact is that the future of Thames and Reeves goes as far as a broadcast signal can reach.
