
CYPRESS : Motorist Stabbed, Robbed in Hijacking

A 42-year-old man was robbed and stabbed twice in the back by two men who hijacked his car at an intersection early Monday, police said.

Timothy Ortega, a Cypress resident, was treated at UCI Medical Center in Orange for stab wounds and released after the 4:15 a.m. robbery, Cypress Police Sgt. John Avila said.

Ortega had stopped his car at Lincoln Avenue and Valley View Street when two men pointed handguns at him, forced their way into the car and ordered Ortega to drive, Avila said.


After Ortega drove to a residential neighborhood at Orangewood Avenue and Harbor Boulevard in Anaheim, the gunmen ordered him to stop, then struck him in the back of the head with an unknown object and took his wallet and cash from his pockets, Avila said.

The assailants then stabbed Ortega twice in the back and fled from the vehicle. Ortega flagged down a passing motorist, who rushed him to the hospital, Avila said.

Anaheim police alerted Cypress detectives about the stabbing.
