
CAL STATE NORTHRIDGE : Campus Hillel Plans Israel Trip

Cal State Northridge Hillel will send five of its students on leadership missions to Israel during the winter break.

The students will explore the ruins of Masada, celebrate Shabbat at the Western Wall and visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. The students also will meet prominent politicians and Israeli citizens, including newly settled Russian and Ethiopian immigrants, said Kim Hoffman, CSUN Hillel program director.

Hoffman said it is hoped that the students will return to CSUN with a new knowledge and appreciation of Israeli history, politics, education, business and lifestyle so they will be able to educate fellow students about Israel and its importance to the Jewish people.


Taking the trip are David Weiss, CSUN student government president; Rachel Polish, a student senator; Ilanit Avidan and Motti Taylor, officers of the Israel Awareness Committee, and David Hearn and Gaby Kaminski, United Jewish Fund officers.
