
Shooting Holes in Swiss Gun Argument

In his letter to the editor (“Swiss Numbers Don’t Add Up,” Sept. 26) John Hamaker notes the homicide rate in Santa Ana is 20 times that of Switzerland, even though that nation, he claims, sells “assault rifles and even heavier weapons . . . at cut-rate prices.” Then he asks: “How do you gun prohibitionists explain that away?”

If people living in a country (such as Switzerland) are not killing each other with firearms, there is no need to restrict access to the weapons. If, on the other hand, a society exists where there is an epidemic of brutal killing with firearms (as in this country), it is insane not to restrict access to such weapons.

As for the counter-argument, “guns don’t kill people, people do,” it’s only half right.

The sad truth is, people do kill people, but in this country, people with guns kill far more frequently and with greater “efficiency” than if those guns were not available. (Have you ever heard of a “drive-by stabbing?”)



Laguna Hills
