
COUNTYWIDE : Program Offers Cash for Used Motor Oil

A new program intended to make it easier and safer to dispose of used motor oil has been introduced by the California Integrated Waste Management Board.

Under the program, consumers who take used oil to designated collection centers in Orange County will be paid 4 cents a quart. The board reimburses the collection centers for payments made to the public.

Jiffy Lube outlets at 1440 W. Lincoln Ave. in Anaheim and 2025 N. Tustin Ave. in Santa Ana are the only two designated collection points in Orange County.


But Pat Macht, a waste board spokeswoman, said that more businesses will be signed up.

The outlets will accept no more than 20 gallons of used oil a day per person. The oil must be dropped off in containers no larger than five gallons.

The oil is then picked up and recycled or refined, Macht said.

“This program was designed to curb the problem that we’re having with the back-yard oil changers,” Macht said. “Because people don’t know what to do with the oil, and it’s ending up in storm drains and landfills, where it causes serious (pollution) problems.”

The program currently has 147 participating businesses statewide but has a goal of 1,000, Macht said.


Funding for the program comes from a tax on oil sold in California.

For more information, call (800) 553-2962.
