
OC HIGH / STUDENT NEWS & VIEWS : Computers for Teens

“Windows for Teens” is a new computer manual written by a teen for other teens. It’s 223 pages of step-by-step instructions on how to use Windows, the Microsoft program for IBM and compatible computers. It was written by Brittanney Trebnik, 16, of Rocklin, Calif., an Olympic hopeful who needed a way to pay the mounting costs of her figure-skating lessons. “People my age are really turned off by the adult computer manuals,” Trebnik said. “They’re so boring and so dull, and they are really hard to understand, so I wrote my book in the way a teen-ager would speak.” In a chapter titled “Keeping Your Thoughts a Secret,” Trebnik tells readers how to safely keep a diary in the computer so “you don’t have to worry about your brother or sister searching your room to get some juicy information on you when the time is right.” The manual is to be published by Prima Publishing in Roseville.
