
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : Forum to Debate County Plan to Buy Air Strip


Residents say the proposed county purchase of a private air strip will bring unwanted noise and traffic into their rural community, but pilots who use the Agua Dulce Air Park say it’s the best way to prevent the 35-year-old site from closing.

A county advisory committee is holding a forum tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Agua Dulce Elementary School to discuss the future of the 208-acre air strip.

Los Angeles County officials want a general aviation facility in the Santa Clarita Valley to relieve congestion at other airports.


The forum is being held by a Los Angeles County Aviation Commission subcommittee, an advisory group to the Board of Supervisors. A proponent has been designated to speak in favor of the county acquisition and organizers hope to arrange for an opponent to speak as well, said Jim Burton, subcommittee chairman.

The Agua Dulce Town Council, however, called the session useless because many concerned residents won’t be attending. The council unsuccessfully asked for the meeting to be postponed because it conflicts with two other functions: a hearing on an off-highway vehicle park proposed in Hume and Baker canyons and an awards ceremony for Vasquez High School students.

“Your choosing to go forward with a meeting that is not well-publicized, doesn’t have a posted agenda, without an articulated purpose and which conflicts with other important community issues cannot help but make the meeting valueless with no possibility of any meaningful discussion,” said Town Council President Rick Curtis.


Burton said it’s “not an insurmountable task” for residents to attend more than one meeting, and those who miss the forum may submit questions or comments in writing.
