
VENTURA/OXNARD : Supervisors Ratify Greenbelt Accord

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to ratify an agreement to establish a greenbelt between Oxnard and Ventura.

Calling the plan an important step in preserving precious agricultural land, the supervisors signed off on the deal that would protect 4,575 acres along the coast between the two cities.

The agreement will now be forwarded to the county’s Local Agency Formation Commission for final consideration.


In November, Oxnard and Ventura officials decided to draft an accord to protect the land, now mostly used for farming. Both cities pledged not to annex the properties or allow development there. The move, however, required the approval of the supervisors, because the land is in an unincorporated county area.

Supervisor Maggie Kildee told the board, “It’s imperative that the policy-makers send a strong message to the public: Agriculture is very important to this county.”
