
CYPRESS : Boys and Girls Club to Get City Loan

The City Council this week agreed to loan the Boys and Girls Club of Cypress $20,000 to help keep programs available for youngsters.

As part of the deal, the club must repay the loan and 5% interest within four years.

Club officials had asked for a $40,000 loan to be repaid without interest in 2 1/2 years, but they said they were pleased with the council’s offer. They said the club was in danger of losing several programs and eliminating jobs.

“We’ll still have to tighten our belts,” said Kim Maxwell, executive director of the Boys and Girls Club.


She said the club will scale back some programs but will not have to eliminate any classes or activities or lay off employees. Instead, programs like the woodworking class, which is currently offered five days a week, will now be offered three days a week and employees’ hours will be cut back.

The club’s $180,000 annual budget is mostly made up of donations from foundations and nonprofit organizations. “Because of the economy, donations have dwindled,” Maxwell said.
