
SAN FERNANDO : Council Formally Opposes Prop. 187

The San Fernando City Council has voted to oppose Proposition 187, the ballot initiative that would deny health care, public schooling and other state benefits to illegal immigrants.

“It’s bad legislation,” said Councilman Doude Wysbeek, who amended the motion approved by the council Monday night by adding that “the legislation should be handled in a more humane and compassionate way.”

The council’s motion urges voters to defeat the measure,

“I think it’s slightly racist,” Councilman Raul Godinez II said, pointing out that the legislation would encourage school officials and medical professionals to report suspected illegal immigrants based on looks or accents.


But Councilwoman Joanne Baltierrez saw the issue as more complex than that, saying that much of the opposition comes from a fear of how the legislation will hurt communities.

“I’m pleased so many are seeing this as a community issue, not just a racial issue,” Baltierrez said.

The resolution approved unanimously by the five-member council specifies that the proposition would deny prenatal care to pregnant women, ban undocumented children from school and require the reporting of suspected undocumented people. The resolution also noted that immigrants contribute twice as much in taxes to the state than they get in services, as some sources indicate.


More than 50 residents on hand for the meeting broke into applause after the resolution was passed.

In other action, the council voted 3 to 2 not to impose a moratorium on rebuilding properties damaged by the Northridge earthquake that do not meet current zoning codes. Godinez, who had recommended the moratorium as a way of improving San Fernando neighborhoods, voted against the action along with Councilwoman Rosa Chacon.
