
Bomb Blast Ignites Ignorance and Paranoia

Michael Quintanilla’s “Divided We Stand” (April 28) raised some valid concerns shared by many Muslims and people of Middle Eastern descent. Even before the dust was clear from the bomb blast in Oklahoma City, the rush to judgment showed a very ugly side of prejudice and ignorance. There is no room for terrorism--home-grown or from abroad.

Similarly, there is no room for suspecting an entire ethnic group simply out of paranoia. Otherwise, the U.S. Constitution, due process and the rule of law would become jokes.

The lesson many will draw from the tragedy in Oklahoma City is that we better make sure that it is the rescuer in all of us, not the perpetrator, that triumphs. It is high time we all stood up and spoke against hatemongering and prejudice.



Sandy, Utah


The perceived “enemy” must always be someone of another nationality or race. Our racism is driven by the very human need to blame the “other” rather than take responsibility ourselves.

It is interesting, is it not, that since we no longer have the Soviets to blame for our individual and collective woes, we latch onto any group, outside of our own, to blame.


Los Angeles
