
Southern Sojourn

On Jan. 8 (“Booked Up in Savannah,” News, Tips & Bargains), and again on March 5 (“Southern Bestseller”), the Travel section reported on the sensation caused in Savannah, Ga., by John Brendt’s novel, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” My wife and I, having read the book, were intrigued enough to make Savannah part of our itinerary for our vacation. And are we glad!

Using your articles, we knew what we wanted to do--take a book tour! We joined the “By the Book Tour,” a three-hour round of the locations mentioned in the book put on by third-generation Savannahite Pat Tuttle of Hospitality Tours. The historic town of Savannah and the “By the Book Tour” is a must on any trip, even if you haven’t read this great book first. R.M. TAIT Upland
