

The ads for the current film about the University of Alabama football team are somewhat vague and confusing.

Apparently, Denzel Washington plays the part of a brash, self-confident young quarterback, sort of a Joe Namath kind of guy. And, of course, Gene Hackman is perfect in the Bear Bryant role. It seems the conflict arises when the quarterback wants to call his own plays while the coach is equally determined to call them from the sidelines. Hackman tries to explain to Washington that he lacks the experience to know which call to make in a crucial situation, saying, at one point, “If you’re wrong, God help us.” This seems a little melodramatic to me, but then I know many people take their football very seriously.

Some of the cinematography in the ads is almost surreal. In a couple of sequences, the football looks as big as a submarine, big enough to hold the entire football team and the coaching staff as well. Is there some kind of symbolic meaning to this football? It’s way over my head.



Los Angeles
