
ANAHEIM : Help Wanted: Low Pay, Crowded Conditions, Must Love Baseball

As acting gigs go, the pay won’t be that great and the hours could be long. But the odds of being cast are excellent.

An open casting call Saturday will seek from 3,000 to 5,000 extras “of all shapes and sizes” to portray baseball fans in a feature film, “The Fan,” starring Robert DeNiro, Wesley Snipes and Ellen Barkin.

The director is Tony Scott, who also directed “Crimson Tide.”

Shooting will be at Anaheim Stadium from mid-November to mid-December.

The movie, described as a “psychological thriller set against the world of major league baseball,” is scheduled for release next summer.


“We have some pretty big scenes,” casting coordinator Andi Wulff said Wednesday. “We’re anticipating having a couple of days with 3,000 extras. That’s a pretty ambitious job.”

Plans call for the filming to take from eight to 12 hours a day for 16 to 18 days.

Extras will be paid minimum wage for the first eight hours and overtime beyond that.

“It’s not a lot of money,” Wulff said, “but it’s kind of fun to be on a movie set.”

Wulff said the extras will “get a great bird’s eye view” of the filming while they act like typical baseball fans.

“They’ll be cheering, walking down the aisles, buying hot dogs, that sort of thing,” Wulff said. “We just want to make it as realistic as possible.”


The casting call will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Martin Recreation Center, 1151 N. Anaheim Blvd. at Harbor Boulevard in La Palma Park.

Each potential extra must bring personal identification, a pen and a recent photo that won’t be returned.

Information: (714) 253-5118.
