
Reseda High: Excellence, Traditional Calendar

Once again, the specter of year-round education is haunting communities that send their teens to North Hollywood, John H. Francis Polytechnic, San Fernando and Monroe high schools.

I know these schools to be excellent ones; I taught at North Hollywood for eight years, and know excellent staff members at the other three campuses.

But if the students and parents wish to continue at a “traditional calendar” setting, let me recommend Reseda High. Open enrollment allows for these transfers easily.


We offer Advanced Placement courses in biology, chemistry, physics, calculus, English, U.S. history, government, computer science and studio art. We have begun a Navy Junior ROTC program. Our football team recently won the 3-A city championship. Our softball team advanced to the 4-A city semifinals last spring. Our drama teacher was honored for excellence by the Encino Chamber of Commerce. On our staff we have five mentor teachers.


West Hills

Kaz is faculty president at Reseda High School.
