
State Already Has ‘Open’ Primaries

* On March 26, voters in the California primary election should defeat Proposition 198, the so-called Open Primary Initiative.

Proposition 198 is misleading. California already has open primaries. Each voter is free to register with the political party of his or her choice. Each voter is free to vote for the candidate of his or her choice.

Proposition 198 would destroy the multiple-party system that defines American political freedom. Candidates for public office would pander their messages to fickle polling results.


The ideological platforms that we associate with political party affiliation would no longer be relevant.

If Proposition 198 were passed, American politics would become so watered down that bold new initiatives, such as Proposition 13, could never make it to the ballot.

The cost of campaigning would skyrocket, as candidates would have to spend money in primaries to reach all voters, rather than just members of their own party.


In addition, the confusion of voters under the proposed election system could easily lead to potential fraud and abuse of the election process.

Finally, Democratic voters would be able to vote for the weakest Republican candidate, and vice versa, resulting in election results that reflect schemes and manipulation, rather than the voice of the people.

California voters want change. Proposition 198 would make change of the status quo next to impossible.


It would diminish voter choice of candidates and issues and leave candidates unaccountable to American ideals.

I strongly encourage fellow voters to vote “no” on Proposition 198.

Protect our voting freedom.



Orange County Republican Party
