
Light Fantastic : Comet Hyakutake Expected to Be Brightest in 20 Years

Waiting for Hyakutake

The newly discovered comet that promises to be the brightest in decades will be visible to the naked eye. Chart is for the evening sky from tonight through April. 1. The comet rises about 8 tonight, 7:30 p.m. Friday, 6:30 p.m. Saturday and at sundown after that.


Tips for Comet Gazing

* Take advantage of local observatories and astronomical societies that may be holding “star parties.”

* The darker the sky, the better visibility, especially in late March when the head of the comet will be large.


* Let your eyes adapt for at least 20 or 30 minutes.

* Take a simple star chart with you to help you locate the comet.

* If you take a flashlight outdoors, dim it with a piece of brown paper bag. White light can impair your night vision.

Sources: Griffith Observatory; Jet Propulsion Labs
