
Big Selection Available for Adopt-a-Pet Event

Hundreds of dogs and cats will be available Saturday at the Orange County Animal Shelter’s annual Adopt-a-Pet Day.

The shelter, 361 The City Drive in Orange, has 215 prospective pets, including a bumper crop of healthy, fluffy kittens, said animal shelter Lt. Mary Van Holt.

The shelter has 211 dogs and 204 cats available for adoption. Van Holt said spectators can see owls, hawks and police dog demonstrations.


Display booths will provided by groups such as the House Rabbit Society, Turtle and Tortoise Club and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Veterinarians from the Southern California Veterinary Assn. will be available to answer questions and offer advice on the care and feeding of pets.

The shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
