
Skates Banned From Downtown Sidewalks

Starting next month, skateboards, in-line skates, bicycles and any other “wheeled apparatus” will be banned from sidewalks in the downtown area.

The City Council approved the restrictive regulation late Monday at the request of the city Police Department and downtown business owners who say skaters and cyclists are creating safety problems by riding on sidewalks that should be reserved for pedestrians only.

The city recently invested millions to widen the sidewalks and spruce up the historic downtown business district. Merchants have urged council members to impose a ban on skateboards, bicycles and in-line skates to spare the new sidewalks from damage and to protect shoppers from collisions.


The ban was unanimously approved by the council. It must come back for a final vote next week, and if passed would go into effect 30 days later.

Police promised that the tough regulation would be enforced: first with verbal warnings and then $25 citations.

The pedestrian-only zone would extend from Ash Street to Ventura Avenue, and from Poli Street to Harbor Boulevard.


The law would apply only to sidewalks, so bicyclists would still be allowed on downtown streets.
