
Protection of Open Space Commendable

* Moorpark Mayor Paul Lawrason and the City Council have directed staff to consider reducing the number of residences in a massive development in the heart of the rural space of the city. If the developer is permitted to build to the maximum requested, it is probable that there will be irreversible adverse impacts on air quality, native habitat and wildlife. Staff has been directed to evaluate returning the property to rural density.

Recent newspaper articles have indicated that 6,000 deaths in Los Angeles County and 182 deaths in Ventura County occurred in 1995 due to particulate and noxious emissions. More people were killed in Ventura County by lung and heart failure caused by this air pollution than were killed by automobile accidents.

With Mayor Lawrason retiring in November, he and the council are to be commended for trying to leave a legacy of protecting our health, rural hills and valleys. It would be a proud precedent for other cities to follow.



