
Fee Waiver for Quake Repairs Is Extended

The waiver of fees for building permits, plan checks and inspections for earthquake repairs has been extended to Jan. 17, 1997, the third anniversary of the Northridge earthquake.

The original deadline was June 30. The legislation to extend was designed to ease continuing residential and commercial repair and reconstruction projects, according to City Councilwoman Laura Chick, who introduced the measure. It was passed by the City Council last week.

Chick said many businesses and residents are still in the process of reconstruction, while others have yet to begin. She attributed at least some of this to the negotiations required among building owners, insurance companies, lenders and government agencies. She said this has brought “additional delays to the normal complexities experienced in the design and construction process.”


Eric Rose, district director for Chick, said the extension brings the waiver fee onto the same calendar as another post-earthquake emergency ordinance, one regarding temporary land use, which streamlined rules and paperwork for those rehabilitating damaged buildings. Both regulations will now expire at the same time, Rose said.

Rose said that, as has always been the case, those seeking waivers are required to show some proof of earthquake damage.
