
3 Challenges for Mall Expansion Players

* The November ballot will likely include a referendum asking the voters to decide if the city of Ventura should move forward with expansion plans for the Buenaventura Mall. I would like to offer three challenges.

First, the Oxnard City Council should cancel its lawsuits against the city of Ventura and instead use a portion of those dollars to hire a consultant to find what the ideal stores are for Oxnard’s Esplanade. It is likely the introduction of the outlet malls and Wal-Mart had a greater impact on a decrease in sales in The Esplanade than any action taken by Ventura.

Second, there are Ventura residents who support the anti-mall efforts, on the grounds that they want to support small local businesses. But I have seen no effort made by the Citizens Against the Sales Tax Giveaway to help those small local businesses that were forced to leave the mall due to the delay in the expansion plans. The challenge to this group is to assist these local businesses and to offer the City Council a valid alternative to offset the sales tax loss that would result from a vacant mall.


Finally, the challenge to the voters in Ventura is to listen to arguments on both sides of this issue and make your choice. After all it is your vote.


