

“The joy and global brotherhood engendered by the Olympic Games can never be vanquished by the actions of a despicable few.”

-- U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali


“Terrorism has no borders and must be fought without compromise.”

-- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu


The British people “will share the anger of the American people at this dreadful desecration of the Olympic spirit, but they will also share their determination not to be deterred by this evil act.”

-- British Prime Minister John Major


“To interrupt the Games would be, in some way, an act of surrender to terrorism.”

-- Italian Deputy Premier Walter Veltroni


“We will spare no effort to find out who was responsible for this murderous act. We will track them down. We will bring them to justice.”


-- President Clinton


“You learn from what has happened in the past and from the experiences of other people. And you hope that these mad, mad people, somebody will get them one day.”

-- South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu


“This cowardly attack, showing a wanton disregard for human life, will provoke horror among all civilized people.”

-- German Chancellor Helmu Kohl
