
Eyesore Razed to Make Room for Bungalow

A derelict house in South Pasadena’s Valley View Heights neighborhood was demolished Monday. But rather than leave an empty lot, the demolition made way for a Craftsman home that will be moved to the site tonight.

The house on Berkshire Avenue has been vacant for eight years after it was acquired by the state nearly three decades ago for completion of the Long Beach Freeway extension. Its site is no longer on the proposed freeway route.

As part of an agreement between the city, South Pasadena Unified School District and the state Department of Transportation, it will be replaced by a three-bedroom bungalow that will be moved from Stratford Avenue, City Clerk Jeannine Gregory said.


The Stratford property was acquired by the school district recently to expand the Marengo Elementary School and the actual house was offered to the highest bidder, said Eva Lueck, assistant superintendent.
